
Play it Again Sports: How to Keep Your Kids Playing Sports Within Budget

play it again sports
Evert Nelson/ The Capital-Journal

Play it again sports: All for their children to participate in sports, parents work two or three jobs, and their families are in debt.

According to the Aspen Institute, more than 70% of parents live in it.

Two of Nathan Allen’s four sons claim that their family is knowledgeable about sports gear for basketball, football, lacrosse, water polo, baseball, and swimming.

A 2022 poll by Project Play and Utah State found that the typical household spends just under $890 annually on one child’s preferred sport.

It’s quite pricey. There isn’t really a way around it, Allen remarked.

Allen claims that his family constantly looks for methods to save money.

We are huge Play It Again Sports fans. Every season, we review all of our equipment and decide what we no longer require, according to Allen.

Play it once more Sports will buy your used equipment, or you can use credit to purchase the necessary stuff.

Ebay and Sideline Swap are both excellent places to buy and sell equipment. Talking to parents of older children, according to Allen, is the most overlooked approach to saving money.

It’s amazing how often you go into these garages and the garages of your friends and find seven years’ worth of football, soccer, or baseball equipment sitting there, said Allen.

According to Allen, you might be able to get the team fees waived or a scholarship might be available.

Credits: Yahoo News

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