
iPhone 15 Overheating : Apple blames iOS 17 bug

iPhone 15 Overheating
Source: isp

Apple has issued a warning that the most recent iPhone 15 Pro model is overheating due to a problem in the iOS 17 software.

Following their purchase of the new device, a few customers claimed that their smartphones were getting uncomfortable hot while being used regularly. Now that the iPhone 15 Pro has been set up for the first time, the iGiant has stated that this is not surprising and that the situation was made worse by a software fault that it is currently working to fix.

According to the business, “We have identified a few conditions which can cause iPhone to run warmer than expected,” Forbes was told. Due to increased background activity, the device may feel warmer in the initial days following setup or restoration.

Additionally, we discovered a flaw in iOS 17 that affects a small number of customers and will be fixed in a future software release. Recently released updates to third-party programs are another problem that is overloading the system. The fruit-themed company acknowledged, “We’re working with these app developers on fixes that are in the process of rolling out.”

However, a few tech gurus have proposed several theories as to why the iPhone 15 Pro becomes overheated. Leading Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo believed that by employing a titanium frame, which is lighter but less effective at dissipating heat, Apple had messed up the design of its thermal system.

“Apple is anticipated to fix this through software upgrades, but until Apple reduces CPU performance, improvements might be restricted. Over the course of the iPhone 15 Pro series’ product life cycle, shipments may suffer if Apple fails to fix this problem, the author said.

However, several others, including Patrick Moorhead, CEO of the analysis firm Moor Insights & Strategy, suggested that TSMC’s subpar work on the smartphone’s 3-nanometer chip could be the cause of the problem. “I continue to support my argument that the ‘3nm’ TSMC [system-on-a-chip] failed to meet specifications. How long have these “problem-causing” apps been available on iOS?”Perhaps the massive and novel [neural processing unit]?,” he remarked on X.

Regulators approved Apple’s software upgrade last week for its older iPhone 12 models, following the French National Frequency Agency’s alert that the cellphones were exceeding permissible radiation emissions.

Search ambitions

In other Apple-related news, Bloomberg claims that the corporation has created its own search engine. John Giannandrea, a former senior veep of engineering at Google, is spearheading the project and oversaw search and machine learning initiatives. 2018 saw the hiring of him by Apple, where he is now the senior vice president of AI strategy and machine intelligence.

The decision could be problematic for Google because it would put more competition in the web search market and risk losing iPhone-owning netizens if Apple set its own search engine as the default on iDevices. Google currently pays Cupertino about $8 billion annually in fees for sending web traffic to its search engine. However, if Apple launches its own search engine, digital advertising might wind up providing it with a larger revenue stream than Google does.

Credits: The Registrar

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