
You can now buy a PS5 Slim in the US and Canada

PS5 Slim
Sony Interactive Entertainment

In the US, Sony’s PS5 Slim is beginning to be sold. Dell and Walmart have released a regular model that includes a complimentary copy of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, but the $500 bundle is selling out quickly. Presumably, other merchants will carry the PS5 Slim—which isn’t the official moniker for the newest models—in the near future.

Walmart has also started to list Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III bundles; these bundles cost $609 and include an accessory of your choosing. At first, Sony said that the PS5 Slim would only be sold in the US, but regular models—which retail for $650 CAD and include Modern Warfare III as a free download—have started to appear in Canada.

The slimmer PlayStation 5 models were supposed to launch in November, according to Sony’s announcement last month. The firm did not, however, specify when it will hit third-party retail shelves and its own storefront (where the systems are not yet accessible at the time of writing).

Compared to the original chonksters, the most recent PS5 units have a volume that is 30% smaller. It will also weigh 18% or 24 % less than its predecessor, depending on the model you choose.

Even while the most recent models resemble the original PS5 devices in terms of their curved design, there is a crucial way to distinguish them right away. The top and bottom cover panels of the new systems are divided by a black strip.

The new PS5 digital edition costs $450, which is $50 higher than the previous model. You can connect a $80 disc drive that appears to clip onto the PS5 simply if you get the newest model and subsequently decide you want to watch DVDs or Blu-rays or use physical game discs on your console.

According to Sony, the original PS5 systems will be withdrawn after they have all sold out. Thus, you might not have much time left to get the cheaper digital version if that’s what you’re after.

Purchase a $30 stand if you wish to put the PS5 Slim in a vertical configuration. If not, you’ll be forced to use unsightly plastic clips to hold the console in place horizontally.

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